So, you’ve put in the hard work and lost a bunch of weight. You’ve kept a clean diet, hit the weight rack and even blocked a few Instagram dessert accounts.
But instead of feeling elated about your progress, you’re now focused on some of the loose, unfirm skin that losing inches has left behind.
First of all, this is completely NORMAL. Second, there are steps you can take to help your body regain firmer skin. Below I’ve listed a few ways you can tighten loose skin after weight loss and feel good about the new body you’ve achieved!

How to Tighten Loose Skin After Weight Loss
Take a collagen supplement.
Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body and is what gives our skin a firm appearance. Taking a collagen supplement is important for overall skin elasticity, especially as we age and lose/gain weight.
There are 2 brands I swear by, BioSil and NeoCell, and I alternate using them. They’re a must in my daily routine. Another perk of taking collagen is the positive effect it has on your hair and joints.
NeoCell – Super Collagen + C – 6000mg BioActive CollagenBioSil – Beauty, Bones, Joints Liquid, Advanced Collagen
Use a body brush.
Dry brushing is exercise for your skin; it releases toxins and gets a sluggish lymph system moving, all while helping to tighten, tone and reduce cellulite.
My favorite brush right now is the Mio body brush. It has rounded nodules that massage as you brush, which makes it especially ideal for the treatment of loose skin and cellulite. It’s a natural boar bristle brush with the perfect amount of friction, which is exactly what you need for improving the health of your skin.
Related: How to Dry Brush Skin (The Right Way)
Try foam rolling.
Technically called “self-myofascial release”, the idea behind foam rolling is that it breaks up and loosens fascia (connective tissue that covers the entire body), thus helping to smooth out lumps and bumps.
I swear by Lauren Roxburgh foam rollers and her techniques. If nothing else, your body will feel wonderfully stretched out and long after doing a few of her signature moves.
LoRox Aligned Foam Roller by Lauren Roxburgh
Consider a non-surgical procedure.
If you’re looking for a noticeable result without going under the knife, non-invasive office procedures like laser treatments (using infrared light to tighten by heating the collagen under the skin) and micro needling (using a roller with tiny needles to create microscopic holes in the skin which allows new collagen to be produced and create tighter skin) are on the rise.
It’s important to have realistic expectations AND to make an appointment with a reputable doctor or certified medical aesthetician.
This was helpful thank you. And I have the niobrush but never knew that’s what it’s used for. I just thought it was a bad purchase for showering