As travel season approaches, nothing can ruin a trip you’ve planned for months like an unwelcome cold or complete lack of energy.
Going on vacation doesn’t mean we need to backslide on our health and fitness habits. Use the guidelines below to stay healthy during travel and to ensure you leave – and return – in tip-top shape.

Tips on Staying Healthy While Traveling
Protect yourself on planes.
Airline travel is a major setup for sickness. Being in a confined space with hundreds of others, people touching your seat, tabletop, movie screen. Not to mention the less-than-adequate air filtration.
The best thing you can do is come prepared with a strong immune system. Eat, sleep well and reduce stress prior to travel. Keep Purell and Lysol wipes in your carry on, as well as making sure to wash your hands often.

Remember your vitamins.
I know a lot of people that skip packing their vitamins altogether for a trip because they think it’s too much of a hassle. If your body is used to taking B12 all year, skipping it during a vacation is not the way to go.
For my vitamins, I use a company called VitaFive, which provide CUSTOMIZED, personal gummy vitamin packs. Each month, you receive 28 packs for the month, full of the vitamins you’ve chosen. No more sorting out vitamins; just throw a few packets in your purse and go. They’re the most convenient thing ever! Plus, they’re gluten-free, made from pectin (not gelatin) and taste yummy!

Don’t skip breakfast.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day for a reason; it gives you energy to start your day properly. Your body will need fuel for the long day ahead of exploring your new destination. It’s one of the easiest ways to be healthy during traveling.
A lot of people skip out and go straight to lunch. Don’t! You can grab something light like a fruit parfait, a pastry, orange juice, espresso from a nearby bakery. Your body will thank you for it.

Bring along a foam roller.
If you don’t have the time – or the desire – for a full body workout, foam rolling is the way to go. A 10 minute stretch session using a foam roller will have your body feeling long, limber, in shape and ready to tackle your itinerary for the day.
I swear by Lauren Roxburgh’s foam roller and book because she IS the foam rolling whisperer! Luckily, her foam roller comes in a mini size, which is perfect for travel. At 12 inches long, it will easily fit into your suitcase.
LoRox Aligned Travel Roller by Lauren RoxburghTaller, Slimmer, Younger: 21 Days to a Foam Roller Physique
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