Wondering what the best exercises are for a smaller waist? You might want to start here.
There is so much more to getting a smaller waist and flat stomach than doing 100 crunches a day. Which, btw, is NOT the way to go about it.
One area of your abs you might be neglecting is the Transversus Abdominis muscle, also known as the “corset muscle”. This is the muscle that tightens when you cough, sneeze, or laugh.

In addition to regular cardio (walking, jump roping) and eating a clean, well-balanced diet, working these deep abdominal muscles will help pull in your waistline like a natural corset and flatten your stomach. Think of it as your “Spanx” muscle.
You’ll also notice a gradual improvement in posture and your lower back strengthen.
How to find the Transversus Abdominus muscle
Targeting the T.A. muscle is really tricky at first. I certainly had a hard time finding the correct muscle when I first started.
But the more you practice, the easier it becomes.

Start with a few rounds of Power Breathing. Here’s how:
Step 1: Inhale slowly from your diaphragm using a count of 7.
Step 2: Slowly and evenly exhale, while at the same time being mindful of pulling the abdominal wall IN in a contracting manner, still using a count of 7 (or whatever # works for you)
Step 3: When you have achieved full exhale and a peak of contraction through the abdominal muscles, give it all a good SQUEEZE as hard as you can.
Step 4: Now let it go, allowing your breath to rush back in and repeat the entire sequence 5 times.
This breathing exercise can be done daily and is perfect to practice while sitting or standing up.
After you’ve mastered it a bit, move onto the exercise below.
Exercise 1: Preparation
1. Lie down on the floor on your back; allow your back to assume its natural curve and do not try to flatten it to the floor.
2. Extend your legs forward, resting them on the floor.
3. Place your right hand behind your head and your left hand on your lower abs. This is to ensure the abs do not “pop up” when you do the exercise. We don’t want a “doming” effect of the lower abs.
1. Inhale deeply like you’ve practiced during the Power Breathing.
2. Exhale half the air, then lift your shoulders off the floor, chin lifted and hold. Hold your breath.
3. Now here’s the important part. Contract your waistline in toward the midline of your torso, feeling the contraction all the way from the lowest rib to your pubic bone. Relax your sit bone.
4. Hold that contraction tightly for a full 10 seconds if possible, then release and relax.
5. Repeat at least 4 more times.
Note: Remember that this contraction is lateral, not longitudinal. It goes from the sides of your waist inward, like someone lacing up a tight corset. Feeeeel the contraction lower in the abs, NOT just at the waistline. Take your time, but work hard at it.
I also love this Callanetics workout for a flatter stomach and small waist! These stretches are extremely effective at pulling in your waist nicely.
Learn to activate the Transversus Abdominis FIRST, then everything else will fall into place!
Could you possibly make a video to demonstrate this exercise? I’m a visual learning & I don’t feel that I am performing this exercise correctly.
Thank you, Norma
Sure, Norma! This article will soon be updated.
I remember that Ccallenetics video from when I was a kid. my mom did it. I used it when I first got into exercising and then put it into my own exercise routine. I can attest that the Callenetics works… you will see results in 2 weeks of using it. It is very similar in philosophy to pilates. I had rectus diastasis after the birth of my second child (almost 10lbs on my 5’2″ frame). I am now 127lbs with toned arms, toned abs enough I’ll wear a binki in front of anyone, and a 28″ waist. Oh, and I’m 40 and a working physician mom. It can be done. The exercise I found most helpful for my rectus diastasis was to put my feet on my exercise ball and lift my hips to the ceiling squeezing my abs. I could feel the muscles pulling back together. I would do this while watching TV. It worked great. Great post!!
Is this similar to Greer Childers workout? If so, it’s worked great for me!!
I had to google who you meant ;) but yes! similar! :)
What causes the spasms when I do this type of exercise?
Hi Tammy! I’m sorry to hear you are experiencing spasms. Do you also have them during other ab workouts? It could be a number of things: not drinking enough water, over-exertion, etc. I would discontinue for now and speak with your doctor! xo
What is the best time to do this workout? It is one of the best exercise to engage the Transversus Abdominis muscle and have smaller waistline.
In the morning before eating!
Is this fine for women with diastasis recti?
Hi Rose, yes it will definitely help with diastasis recti!
I have to disagree with that older women can’t have great abs. I’m almost fifty, workouts daily, including a great five minute plank routines. The ab muscle definition would put 20 something to shame. Just because you hit middle age doesn’t mean you have to look it. Muscles at 50,60 and 70 have been medically proven to respond to exercise the same as a 20 year old.
If you honestly are putting in the effort, you’ll see results
The most inspiring comment I have ever read! :) Thanks xx
Can you post some exercise guidance? I would prefer a grounded blog on exercises by a more experienced lady than the vanity posts o encounter while searching for content.
What are you talking about?
The video link wasn’t on my page but I will Google it. Thanks for sharing this. I’m getting married next june n i want to loose bout 50lbs n get my stomach flatter. I have had numerous stomach surgeries n have mesh in most of my ab area so I’m hoping that this will help me tone up.
Won’t work once you hit menopause. The body shape changes with the decrease in estrogen. You will never have the same body you did at 20.
Susan, this exercise may not give you the SMALLEST waist size you ever had, but it will give you a SMALLER waist than you currently have.
Google, Ernestine Shepard, and see her body at 76 years old. She started bodybuilding at 56 years old! She is the world’s oldest bodybuilder. You will see what the body is capable of with dedication and work.
Yes! Great example.
I’m 54 years old and have no menopausal systems and my body has not changed that much either! Must be from always being active and eating as healthy as possible. Working out is always beneficial!
I agree! Good for you! :)
Amen! I have been hearimg that for years but i eat well, and am very active in body and mind! I wear, at 42, a size smaller than i did at 22! I even look the same for the most part. I am an etermal optimist so therefore, i do believe it is somewhat mind over matter!
Does anyone know how many sets you’re supposed to do? Is it only two?
Hi Jessica! I started with 1 set of 8 reps. The more I got used to contracting those muscles, I increased the amount.
Plan to try this. After two c-sections, no amount of tae bo, pilates, crunches or planks seem to be making any difference to my tummy.
The older I get the bigger my stomach seems to get. I am willing to try anything that will help. Thanks so much!!
I’ve heard about this exercise before and it is super easy to include into your day. I’m a teacher and I often practice this when I’m on break duty. You can definitely feel it. Great advice, thanks for sharing!
The vacuum or cat cow exercise as its called in yoga is one of my fave!
Thanks for the tip! I’ll have to add that exercise to my workout
When going through physical therapy or a back injury, they told me this is the most important muscle to activate for posture and to keep your hips and pelvis aligned properly. I love you even included the video in case people didn’t get the steps! Great post!
So need to be doing this! Good information to have! Thanks for sharing!
Great information here! I’ve done sit-ups before but find they bother my neck – even if I’m doing them properly. I’ll try this and see if my strength improves. Thanks!
This is my problem area and it seems no matter what I do, I can’t achieve this goal. I’ll take your tips and try again. Thanks
Definitely a goal of mine. I have been working on stability exercises to bring back my core since having three pregnancies. It is amazing how much that can take out of core strength.
Thank you! Everyone is so focused on working the 6-pack, but it’s a superficial muscle, TA is the one we need to focus on! Great info!
Thank you for the tips! I am always wanting to know the correct way to get flatter abs!
I try to change my diet to be more healthy and also do more walks. I will add this to my routine because my belly is so out there – hope it will help. Thank you!
Will definitely give the vacuum exercise a go when doing my abs workout. And as you said this won’t work on it’s own but I’m sure with consistent cardio, clean eating one will be able to see some changes.
Great exercise! Thanks for the tip!
I don’t know too much about working out – what a cool fact! Thanks for the tip!
I think I’ve read something about this particular exercise before but I never understood why that worked. I’ll take a stab at this! I hear it’s super effective. Thanks!
My core is feeling completely weak these days, this little workout may be just the thing to jumpstart my workouts.
I used to work as a personal trainer and this is what everyone wanted to know! Great advice :)
I’ve been doing crunches for a while but will add this to my routine! Thank you for sharing!
Activating these muscles has made a HUGE difference in my working out. I was really shocked. I have loved seeing my post baby belly getting smaller after truly activating my core!
Great tip – and great reminder to work your entire abs!
I do this exercise as a core strengthener. It really works. Thanks for sharing!
This is a great tip! Exercises that can be done anywhere and at any time (like standing up waiting in line) are really useful to know.
Great post! We all want a thinner, flatter tummy, and this is something I could do anytime, or anywhere! Thanks so much for this :)
What great workout tips! I have never been much of a cruncher :) I always found that I never saw results doing them. I will have to try these.
Great! I’m always looking for new exercises to try out and who doesn’t want to have a corset waist? It reminds me a bit of a yoga exercise I like. I’ll be giving it a try. Thanks!
True, it is important to target all the core muscles!
I’ve never heard this before, and it makes so much sense! Thank you for such a simple, easy to understand idea. I’ve experienced what a difference a strong core makes, and I’ve lost inches of stubborn “baby fat” but really didn’t think I could decrease my waist anymore. Now I feel like a smaller waistline is possible, even if just one more inch :)
This sounds like a simple exercise, which is great! It makes it easier to work it into a daily routine, no matter how busy you are. I was always told the waistline was predominantly affected by diet, but I will definitely be giving this a try. I don’t think my current workout regimen is exercising these muscles! Thank you so much for sharing this great exercise. I have a yoga mat at home so this is something I can try out anytime when I have a few moments!
The drawings are a great idea for making it clear which muscles are getting targeted through the exercise. The vacuum exercise reminds me of my pilates breathing