It’s great to be able to type in any recipe you’re looking for in your browser, unleash dozens of results, click “Print” and off to the kitchen you go.
But there’s still something to love about a cookbook you could feel and search through in your hands. I love seeing my grandmother’s favorite, old cookbooks with her favorite recipes highlighted, corners of the pages folded, markings in the margin.
If you’re trying to eat healthier and if, like me, you love the nostalgia of using a traditional cookbook, here are 10 of the best healthy living cookbooks to keep on your bookshelf and inspire you in the kitchen.
Best cookbooks for easy, healthy recipes + healthier living . . .
Get The Glow by Madeleine Shaw
Deliciously Ella Every Day by Ella Woodward
Eating the Alkaline Way by Natasha Corrett
Good + Simple: Recipes to Eat Well and Thrive by Hemsley + Hemsley
Clean Gut by Dr. Alejandro Junger
Whole Food Energy by Elise Museles
Oh She Glows Cookbook by Angela Liddon
Chloe’s Kitchen by Chloe Coscarelli
What’s your favorite healthy living/cookbook?
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